
Toeleveranciers - CirQlar UK

Sales security

For a sustainable operation, the sales of your co-products is important. To be able to do so in a carefree way, with a good return, work together with CirQlar. We offer certainty of purchase and a good service. Together we make sure that your co-products are upgraded to sustainable food. In this way we contribute to less waste.

The power of co-products

CirQlar unleashes the power of co-products by selling them to livestock farmers; we have been doing this for many years. By feeding your co-products to cows, pigs and chickens, we work as a chain to create food with the lowest possible environmental impact. The co-products are used in compound feed or sold as single feed within the livestock industry. This is how we unleash the power of co-products together!

As part of ForFarmers, CirQlar is active in North-West Europe and the UK and is a stable partner for suppliers of co-products. A guaranteed sale of co-products is our top priority. We upgrade your co-products from industries such as dairy, beer, starch, potato, sugar and ethanol production into sustainable food and we do this in cooperation with livestock farmers.

We believe in long-term partnerships with suppliers to make optimal use of co-products. For you as a supplier, this means guaranteed purchase of co-products. For our farmers, it means certainty regarding the availability, predictability and quality of co-products.

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Because of our knowledge and experience in co-products, and our access to farmers, cooperation with us means:

  • Certainty of service
  • Good service
  • Contribution to a sustainable food chain
  • Less waste

More information?

Would you like to know more about what CirQlar can do for you? Then get in touch with the CirQlar team. They will be happy to tell you more about it.