British Wheat Distillers (Vivergo)

Article number: A06538


British Wheat Distillers (Vivergo) are a very palatable, high energy and protein feed, rich in digestible fibre, low in starch and providing a good source of bypass protein. British Wheat Distillers (Vivergo) are sourced from the Vivergo bio-refinery in Yorkshire and provide a sustainable alternative to soya. Following the fermentation of wheat and the distillation of ethanol, they are obtained from drying solid residues of fermented grains and adding evaporated syrups (solubles).

Nutritional Attributes

British Wheat Distillers have the following benefits: Highly palatable to drive intakes. High quality protein and good source of bypass protein allow reduction of soya and low protein concentrates in the ration reducing feed costs. Improvement in rumen efficiency. High proportion of energy as digestible fibre allows energy intakes to be increased without increasing risk of acidosis associated with high starch feeds. Suitable for Sheep - Unlike some feeds from the whisky Industry, co-products from bioethanol production do not contain high levels of copper.

Inclusion Rate Youngstock

Calves up to 1.5 kg/head/day and up to 25% of DMI. Replacement Heifers up to 3 kg/head/day and up to 35% of DMI.

Storage and Handling

British Wheat Distillers (Vivergo) are available as bulk tipped loads. Like all dry feeds, they should be stored in a secure shed or bunker and kept cool, dry and free from vermin. British Wheat Distillers (Vivergo) should be used within 3 months of delivery.

Product specifications (g/kg ds)

British Wheat Distillers (Vivergo)
Dairy Beef Youngstock
Dry Matter (%)
Crude Protein (% DM)
Oil B (% DM)
Starch (% DM)
Sugar (% DM)
NDF (% DM)
ME Ruminants