
With CirQlar, ForFarmers offers livestock farmers a complete range of co-products for cows, goats, pigs and chickens. Feeding co-products has many advantages: lower feed costs, smaller CO2 footprint, a wide and balanced range with year-round availability and, of course, healthy animals that produce efficiently.

Piglets - CirQlar UK

Residual flows, also called co-products or by-products, in many cases come from other industries such as the food industry and cannot be further processed into the main product there. As animal feed, it can often be put to good use as nutritious feed. By re-using co-products and feeding them to ruminants, pigs or chickens, you reduce waste and contribute to sustainable food and a circular food supply. Together, we work on a future-oriented food system. Unleash the power of co-products with us.


Because of the characteristics of ruminants, cows can break down and digest fibrous raw materials well. They can therefore process many more crops than humans. Ruminants can process crops and co-products from the food industry, for example, that we as humans cannot digest, into milk and meat - valuable nutrition for us. For example, co-products from the chip industry such as potato peels, or from beer production such as brewer's grains, are healthy and tasty feed for cows.

Cow at feed barrier


Because of the characteristics of ruminants, cows can break down and digest fibrous raw materials well. They can therefore process many more crops than humans. Ruminants can process crops and co-products from the food industry, for example, that we as humans cannot digest, into milk and meat - valuable nutrition for us. For example, co-products from the chip industry such as potato peels, or from beer production such as brewer's grains, are healthy and tasty feed for cows.

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Because of the characteristics of ruminants, cows can break down and digest fibrous raw materials well. They can therefore process many more crops than humans. Ruminants can process crops and co-products from the food industry, for example, that we as humans cannot digest, into milk and meat - valuable nutrition for us. For example, co-products from the chip industry such as potato peels, or from beer production such as brewer's grains, are healthy and tasty feed for cows.

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Because of the characteristics of ruminants, sheep can break down and digest fibrous raw materials well. They can therefore process many more crops than humans. Ruminants can process crops and co-products from the food industry, for example, that we as humans cannot digest, into milk and meat - valuable nutrition for us. For example, co-products from the chip industry such as potato peels, or from beer production such as brewer's grains, are healthy and tasty feed for sheep.

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Pigs are sometimes called the ‘ultimate cycle animal’. A pig has only one stomach and its digestion is thus similar to that of humans. That is why you can very well incorporate leftovers from the food industry, which we do not want to or cannot eat, into pig feed. Those co-products are supplemented with other raw materials to make a balanced feed that optimally meets the animal's needs. So the pig fits perfectly within circular agriculture.



On average, chickens eat about 120 grams feed per day. Exactly how much they need depends on the breed of chicken, their age and whether they are breeding or moulting. The weather also plays a role; chickens in winter need a bit more feed. They also love food industry residues, which are incorporated into their feed! For example, we like to use bread flour and biscuit mix as a co-product in chicken feed.

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